After her testimony about our solutions, Annabelle, a life coach, participated in our series of webinars on the paths to well-being. During a group coaching session, Annabelle addressed the theme of self-confidence by relying on practical cases. Here is a summary of her intervention.

Self-confidence is an exploration

Having self-confidence is a key element for leading a fulfilling life. However, the lack of self-confidence is often seen as the cause of the problem, while in reality, it is more of a symptom. To remedy this issue, it is important to develop self-knowledge and identify one’s relationship with oneself. This also involves analyzing one’s internal dialogue and understanding the relational dynamics with our parents when we were children.

We are all capable of improving our confidence

The lack of self-confidence is a wound that can prevent us from being authentic and can have consequences on our emotional and professional lives. However, thanks to neuroplasticity, it is possible to transform oneself. The three main steps to achieve this are knowledge, acceptance, and transformation. 

The first step is to develop self-knowledge. This can be accomplished by taking the time to reflect on one’s values, qualities, and flaws. It is also important to understand what motivates us and what holds us back. By identifying these factors, it becomes easier to adapt our behavior and strengthen our self-confidence.

The second step is acceptance. It is important to accept one’s weaknesses and limits. This allows us to free ourselves from the pressure of perfection and focus on personal development. It is also important to forgive past mistakes and release any resentment.

Repairing and healing to move forward on the path to well-being

The last step is transformation. Thanks to neuroplasticity, our brain has the capacity to transform. Writing can be a powerful tool for transformation. By writing about our parent-child relationship and analyzing our internal dialogue, we can repair and transform the past. This allows us to free ourselves from pain and build a solid and lasting self-confidence.

In conclusion, the lack of self-confidence is a symptom and not the cause of the problem. To develop self-confidence, it is important to know oneself and analyze the parent-child relationship. Thanks to neuroplasticity, it is possible to transform oneself. By following the three steps of knowledge, acceptance, and transformation, it is possible to write a new chapter in one’s life and free oneself from the pain of the past.

Annabelle’s readings to better advance on one’s inner path :

– When the Body Says No, The Stress That Destroys, Dr. Gabor Maté 

– The Meaning of Happiness, Krishnamurti 

– Healing Your Inner Child, Moussa Nabati 

Solutions Recommended by Annabelle :

– Electrical Network Corrector 

– Environmental Corrector 

– Beverage Corrector