Nadège, a naturopath and reflexologist trained at Planta Santé in Rosheim, has just started her practice. Currently in a phase of creativity and building her workshops and retreats, she came to meet Espace mom. We had a lot of exchanges with her and we think it is interesting to share our advice with all new therapists. 

Scalar plate for multiplying the effects of reflexology 

The choice of reflexology complements naturopathy consultation to release tensions or target specific issues. Nadège uses the mom plate in her consultations to optimize the effect of essential oils during a reflexology session. Nadège notes: “The mom33 scalar plate is a tool that I am currently integrating into my practice, I already use it in my daily life with dietary supplements and Bach flowers.” The scalar plate intensifies the benefits of natural therapeutic solutions and allows for the use of less quantity with multiplied power. Reflexology combined with scalar waves helps to provide holistic support. 

Workshops to harmonize body and mind with the mattress 

The work of the naturopath will focus on group activities. Nadège will organize monthly regeneration workshops in her cottage from September 2024 and short stays in 2025. Today, she is in the process of building her workshops around the pillars of naturopathy such as healthy cooking, hiking, emotions, and energetics. Her goal is to incorporate energetic and emotional supports like mom solutions. She explains: “These workshops are an opportunity for my participants to discover and practice holistic methods in a harmonious setting.” The mom energy mattress will play a key role in these sessions, especially for energy regeneration sessions. 

The importance of raising awareness about pollution and electromagnetic waves 

Another crucial aspect of Nadège’s therapeutic support is raising awareness about sources of pollution, especially electromagnetic waves. In her training, she was educated about the dangers of electromagnetic pollution that can destabilize the vibrations of our environment. “Mom solutions, such as the electromagnetic corrector, are important for my electrosensitive patients and myself as well, as a Linky meter has been installed near my office and thanks to the electrical network corrector I have not felt any energetic changes,” she adds. These tools help create a harmonious and healthy space, vital for everyone’s well-being. 

Follow Nadège on Instagram @Hygeanature