Stress and anxiety are growing public health issues that affect many people today. To reduce these ailments and regain balance, it is essential to establish new habits and develop new skills by taking care of oneself daily. Annabelle Loubat-Kermoal, a life coach for 15 years, explores the effects of stress on our well-being, the common symptoms associated with it, and shares practical tips for managing stress and cultivating better mental health.

Stress, an oxidative source

When stress is repeated over a long period, it becomes chronic. It can be considered an oxidative source, harming our overall health and deteriorating our quality of life. Indeed, stress disrupts the nervous and hormonal systems, creating a negative impact on our physical and mental well-being.

Common stress symptoms

Untreated stress can lead to a series of harmful symptoms such as weight gain, exhaustion, a craving for sugar, addictions, brain fog, memory problems, sleep disorders, waking up tired, emotional sensitivity, and discouragement.

Anxiety as a sign of a generalized imbalance

Anxiety is often a sign of a generalized imbalance resulting from prolonged exposure to stress. Highly sensitive individuals, in particular, have often been exposed to stress from a very young age. In these cases, recommendations such as the use of Ashwagandha, also known as Indian Ginseng in powder form, can help restore balance.

Healing trauma to take care of oneself

Unhealed trauma can prevent us from taking care of ourselves and disconnect us from our emotions. One approach to identifying periods of stress in our lives is to analyze our journey in periods of 7 years. This allows us to understand when our deep needs have not been met and to work on fulfilling them.

Mindfulness to feel our emotions

In our quest to manage stress and cultivate better mental health, it is essential to use mindfulness. Mindfulness allows us to become aware of our emotions, fully feel them, and process them in a healthy way. It helps us reconnect with ourselves and respond appropriately to our deep needs. Taking care of oneself is essential for managing stress and anxiety. By identifying periods of stress in our lives, working on unhealed traumas, and using approaches like mindfulness, we can gradually restore balance and improve our mental and physical well-being.

Mom solutions to fight stress

Mom® solutions offer a comprehensive and direct approach to combat oxidative stress. Mom® pendants and the energy bracelet are particularly suitable for this issue, as they directly target the person wearing them. They allow all your cells to feed on the positive energy emitted by scalar waves. These waves promote the development and maintenance of life, offering your cells a powerful defense against oxidative stress and its multiple health hazards. It is also important to act on your environment by creating a healthy and pollution-free living space with the environment corrector and network corrector. For deep work, we recommend the energy mattress that acts on cell regeneration.