Of all the mom® solutions, the mom® scalar energy therapy mattress is by far the strongest and most complete in terms of scalar wave generation. A mattress whose entire surface contains a set of oscillating circuits created by this genius of rings, Lakhovsky, born from the work of inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla. It contains some 3,000 global biological data points from the animal and plant kingdoms. At a time when scalar energy remains largely unknown, including by science and medicine, it is nevertheless clear that their use has wide-reaching beneficial effects on our health. Some go so far as to claim that these unique waves represent the basis of the medicine of tomorrow.

Potentiate healing effects

Acting directly on the cellular structure of all living things while maintaining their electromagnetic potential at the highest level, scalar waves represent a perfect, balanced model of wave circulation and energy transfer. Like all mom® solutions, the mom® scalar energy mattress, also generates the scalar waves that carry this source of energy, which is essential to all life. It’s no surprise that many holistic therapists have purchased it to potentiate the effects of the care they provide. Less pain, whatever its source, balanced life energies and a feeling of peace and calm are some of the most common feedback we receive after users have had a chance to try it out.

Stimulate intricate healing mechanisms

Sometimes skeptical, yet still interested, the medical world also recognizes the benefits of these “healing” waves. Swiss professor Dr. Azis El Amrani-Joutey, a doctor of medicine and medical sciences, endocrinologist, immunologist and naturopathy and bioenergy specialist, vice president of the Lausanne International Company for Applied Complementary Medicine, explains the results of an experiment:

The mom® mattress activates our global metabolic regulation process in a rather complex manner. (…) The scalar energy generated by this system “propels” subtle mechanisms and, above all, synchronization mechanisms. In fact, illnesses are often the result of synchronization issues that create problems with our immune system and endocrine system. So using mom® mattresses activates this potential and generates a synchronization process that is the basis of any therapy.”