Our webinars : on the paths to well-being

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Meeting inspiring personalities from the Espace mom community who share their energy, vibrations, and life journeys.

How to detoxify your body with naturopathy ?

Our partner Isabelle Collins Parchard, a naturopath and vitalist, advocates for a healthy lifestyle that aims to optimize the vital energy of each individual. This approach involves a better understanding of the role of nutrition in our daily lives as well as detoxification processes. She shares her expertise in a webinar “On the paths to well-being”.

Isabelle Collins Parchard, Espace mom partner, welcomes you for sessions in her office in La Rochette. She also organizes relaxation and seasonal cleansing retreats with mom solutions.

Chinese medicine : harmonize your well-being with the seasons

Martine Bayard, an energy therapist, traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, and creator of the Feng Shui method of Being, explains how to eat in harmony with the seasons. She shares the principles of this ancient discipline and applies them to our modern daily lives. This initial exploration invites us to become aware of our individual needs based on the elements and rhythms of nature. Martine Bayard, Espace mom partner, welcomes you for sessions in her environmentally friendly office with mom solutions, and you can also benefit from virtual support.

Conscious veggie eating : rediscovering the pleasure of nourishing without stress

Lucie Green, a specialist in veggie eating and permaculture, is the guest of our webinar “On the paths to well-being”. She discusses the foundations of veggie eating by debunking myths and misconceptions. Lucie helps us make informed choices about what we eat and how to eat consciously. It is possible to enjoy and savor all types of food without guilt or stress by adopting good consumption habits. Focus on the origin, favoring local sources, and using daily solutions to detoxify such as the mom drink corrector, the mom 33 scalar plate, and water filters. Finally, Lucie shares some recipes that are good for our bodies, the planet, and our budget.

The path to healing

What if abandoning all beliefs and dogmas allowed the body to heal itself? This is the question posed by Sophie Monneret, a life coach since 2016 and a doctor for 20 years. She invites everyone to question their fears in order to progress on the path to healing.

Healthy home : a guide

Michel Vandaele, a qualified bio-construction master builder and habitat geobiologist, shares his expertise and valuable advice for a healthy home.

Environmental toxins

In this video, Émilie Gauthier, an integrative health coach, explores the impact of environmental toxins on our health and vitality. Discover essential information on how these toxins can influence our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Integrative nutrition

Emilie Gauthier shares practical advice for conscious eating, especially the connection between food and emotions. Emilie offers a guide on integrating healthy eating choices into daily life.

The power of the nervous system

In this video, Émilie Gauthier, an integrative health coach, explains the functioning of the nervous system and guides us on the paths to a more balanced life.

Permaculture, waves, and living beings

Johann Gis, a trainer, author, and speaker on Permaculture in the Garden, answers Élodie’s questions from Espace mom about permaculture, waves, and living beings.

How to reduce stress and anxiety ?

Annabelle Loubat-Kermoal, a life coach, identifies the sources of our discomfort, discusses deep mechanisms and symptoms, and suggests listening to our emotions and needs to better manage our stress and anxiety.

How to improve self-confidence ?

By exploring the lack of self-confidence and how to remedy it, Annabelle Loubat-Kermoal delves into the depths of human psychology and emphasizes the importance of self-relationship and self-knowledge.

How to better manage our emotions ?

Annabelle Loubat-Kermoal, a life coach, offered group coaching to help us regain strong and stable energy in harmony with our emotions.

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